Disney’s Animated Film Celebration began at the beginning of 2001 and replaced the Millennium Celebration quarters. This series commemorated various Disney’s animated films. The quarters from this series had the animated film title, the year the film was released, a scene from the film along with the celebration year of 2001. |
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Fantasia Gardens, (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-12
Disney's Aladdin |
All-Star Sports Resort, Game Point Arcade #4 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-03
Disney's the Rescuers |
Caribbean Beach Resort, Goombay Games (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-06
Disney's The Little Mermaid |
Polynesian Resort, Great Ceremonial House #3 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-16
Disney's Pocahontas |
Coronado Springs Resort, Jumping Beans Arcade #2 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-10
Disney's Beauty and the Beast |
Yacht & Beach Club Resorts, Lafferty Place Arcade #3 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-20
Walt Disney's Pinocchio |
Yacht & Beach Club Resorts, Lafferty Place Arcade #4 (Quarter) |
Boardwalk Resort, Lobby #2 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-05
Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Wilderness Lodge, Lobby #2 (Quarter) |
Design 1 - 2001-19
Walt Disney's Bambi |