Disney’s Animated Film Celebration began at the beginning of 2001 and replaced the Millennium Celebration quarters. This series commemorated various Disney’s animated films. The quarters from this series had the animated film title, the year the film was released, a scene from the film along with the celebration year of 2001.
There were 21 coins for the Animated Film Celebration.
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Boardwalk Resort, Lobby #2 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-05

Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
All-Star Music Resort, Note'Able Games #3 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-02

Walt Disney's Dumbo
Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground, Pioneer Hall #3 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-13

Walt Disney's Fantasia
Port Orleans Riverside, Riverside Mill Food Court #3 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-18

Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland
Port Orleans French Quarter, Sassagoula Floatworks & Food Factory #2 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-17

Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, Second Floor Lobby (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-14

Walt Disney's Cinderella
Animal Kingdom Lodge, The Mara #2 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-04

Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp
All-Star Movies Resort, World Premiere Food Court #4 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-01

Disney's Hercules
Downtown Disney, Mouse House #2 (Quarter)
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Design 1 - 2001-11

Walt Disney's Peter Pan