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Viewing Ozzie the orangutan variation which contains 2 variations.

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Location: Animal Kingdom, Rainforest Cafe
Description: Ozzie the orangutan with a triceratops "Orlando Florida", Rainforest Cafe logo, (NOTE: Two different dies with this design at the same location with no noticeable differences)
Position: 4
Coin Type: Cent
Orientation: V
Availability: Retired
Variation: Ozzie the orangutan
Catalog Number: AK0102
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Location: Animal Kingdom, Rainforest Cafe #1
Description: Ozzie the orangutan with a triceratops "Orlando Florida", Rainforest Cafe logo, (NOTE: Two different dies with this design at the same location with no noticeable differences)
Position: 4
Coin Type: Cent
Orientation: V
Availability: Current
Variation: Ozzie the orangutan
Catalog Number: AK0102a